
Friday, July 6, 2012

Red Currant

red currantWho likes Red Currant? I love it, especially for desserts. We also know black and white, but this topic is intended for Red Currant. At this point I just want to remind you that all three kinds are very healthy. So if you don`t have it in your garden yet you should get at least one kind of it.

Red Currant contains vitamin C, A, E and carotene, from which the body produce vitamin A. However it also contains calcium, potassium, manganese and iron.

Currant berries regulate digestion, prevent and alleviate intestinal inflammation.Currant also helps with nervous heart problems and purify blood. It is good for diabetics.

red currantRed Currant is a great snack

Red Currant is like Strawberries a great snack. You may also prepare Currant cakes, pies, home made ice cream or fresh red Currant juice.

If you want to save it for the winter you can prepare a jam, jelly from it or simply dry it.


Red Currant has an acidic and refreshing taste

Red Currant grows up to 1 meter. It blooms in April or May. Red Currant fruits are red berries with a highly acidic and refreshing taste.

Habitat and Care

Red Currant Grows well on the sun or dappled shadow. Red Currant needs fertile, moist and humus soil. We plant young plants in April or October. The distance between young plants should be 3/4 to 1 meter.

If we want a good harvest we have to fertilized it well. Every spring we improve the soil around Currant by adding manure and compost. Because it blooms early the hoarfrost may destroy its blooms. Therefore we cover the plants with veil during the flowering season, if there is a chance of frost.

red currant
Towards the end of the spring we put the mulch (straw, bark) on the soil around the plants to maintain the moisture soil.

In hot summer days we have to water the Currants. We cut off all the old branches that have no new shoots. We also remove all damaged Currant shoots or those that are too close together.

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